We were a little short-handed last night in Cary. My family is traveling this week so I didn't even drive down until around 11:00PM or so and when I finally got there, there were only 3 players. Rick, Akash, and Dean. Not exactly my dream table. And I know that Rick will get a kick out of this statement, as it turns out, I was about the wildest guy at the table. LOL
There was one amazing hand. And boy, could it have played out differently! I'm far from an O8 wiz-kid, but the dynamics of 4 handed play compared to a full table is huge. This one hand, as it turns, our last hand of the night was amazing!
The hand begins with Rick on the button to the dealer's left, then Dean in the small blind, Akash the big blind and I'm utg. We're playing $2/$5 Pot Limit and I just sucked out from way behind on another crazy hand against Rick. So Rick probably has around $400-$500, Dean-O has about $500 and Akash and I have around $1,000 each. As is normally the case, I straddle for $10 and Rick re-straddles for an additional $10 to make it $20 to go. Everyone calls back around to Rick with his restraddle on the button and he pops it up $50. Dean calls and Akash and I fold. Now imagine this hand when I run it out for you if Rick only checks his action here or makes a smaller bet.
As it turns out, Rick had the best hand pre-flop and was way ahead until the flop anyway.... By the way, remember, it was late, I was tired so some of the suits may be incorrect, but you'll get the basic idea.
Rick's hand....
Akash's hand

1 comment:
You were close, except I was the button so Dean acted first. We both check the flop, and he leads out with a $125 bet on the turn. I Hollywood a bit, telling him I have a low draw (which I do) "agonizing" over whether I have the correct odds to chase it. I toss in the call, and Dean pushes in one the river when the 6 comes.
Of course, if all four of us are in, then I might win a much bigger pot, but only if (big if) I see the turn card. Who knows how the betting would have gone on the flop? Dean probably still checks, and Akash probably bets. You probably just call, and then (depending on the size of the bet) I most likely fold.
If it was a smaller bet and I make the call, then it all comes down to Dean. If he raises, then I'm definitely out, but if he smooth-calls to try and check-raise the turn, then I'm in business!
At first I was kicking myself for betting you and Akash out preflop, but I'd have REALLY been kicking myself if I let you two in cheaply, then I was the one who ended up getting betting out on the flop... :-)
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