Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Viva Las Vegas

So we went Thursday PM to the LV... mostly to see the Saturday Buffett show, but of course I heard the tables calling my name.

I decide on the Bellagio. Why not. I fully expect to be sitting down to a 2/5 NLHE table, but am pleasantly surprised to see that there's an Omaha game going. 7-handed Max $5/$10 PL O-high. Interesting. That's a little on the big side for my piddley bankroll, but after some hemming and hawing, I sit it.

I quickly learn that everyone at the table but me and one other guy are Swedish. One even has a WSOP bracelet. All of them are obviously loaded, judging by the way they're dressed. All of them are obviously poker pros. All of them have about $3K in front of them in a couple stacks of $10 chips, more stacks of $25 and $100 chips, and a pile of green $100-bills. All of them are straddling pot, and then a pot sized restraddle. So except for a couple of hands where me and the one guy beside me are blinds, we're pretty much playing $5/$120

I sit with $600. And I immediately decide this could be to my advantage. I folded alot. On the occasional time there was no straddling, and I get into the pot late position, these guys tended to check to me, and would fold to my pure-bluff pot bets. Obviously this guy (me) was only playing the nuts, so we have to fold. I also picked up a couple hands when calling the $120 bet preflop. Missed a few too. But these guys were nuts. They would pot and repot with 2K pots, and 2 pair would beat A-high at showdown (with the re-potter on the river having A-high).

It was a time-rake, so everyone owed $7 every half hour. But this table had an agreement where the first pot after the time call would be raked $7*7 = $49. So the first FOUR times after I sat down and there was a time call, I won the pot. How's that for bye-bye $200. One pot was $55, so I actually LOST money by winning a pot.

But after it was all said and done, I beat the game pretty easily, up about $1000 before the Swedes all got up to go out drinking...

And so, for the next 24 hours or so, I played a good deal of $1/2 NL HE, and managed to lose back my $1000 plus another $1500 to boot. There were suckouts that *I* still don't believe I saw. And stupid $250 1:1 calls with a flush draw that hits. A few donkey plays by me, but mostly just a bad run of crap cards. I'm convinced of 3 things. 1) Hold Em is a boring ass stupid game that I'm probably going to avoid like the plague 2) I suck at HE 3) Omaha rules.


Anonymous said...

Let's see now... you go to Vegas with two women and all you post is the buffet and the poker..... come on now!

Rick said...

"the buffet" - another classic

"Boy, that Jimmy guy sure can eat a lot. Plays a mean guitar though..."

nateDiggity said...

Let's just put it this way, I might not have been lucky at the poker tables, but had an up-and-down straight flush hit away from them ;)