Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday Night High Stakes Poker....
Let me give you an example.... the last couple of hands: I probably have about $1500 or so in front of me and my hole cards are Qh, Qd, 3h, 3s.... there's a straddle pre-flop of $30 and it is raised to $75 with 5 callers. The flop Qs, 10s, 6h. Eli leads out with an $85 bet and gets 1 caller and I push all-in for about $1350... Rick says "Here's a gift" and pushes in about $800-$900 and of course Eli calls. Everyone else folds and I'm not happy about the callers. I was really just hoping to isolate Eli. My hand is very vulnerable especially against 2 players. Rick turns over 2 spades and some sort of funky straight draw that somehow doesn't get there. Eli doesn't show and my set holds up! Nice...
The last hand of the night.... everyone who just busted out in the hand with me buys in for $1k and somehow Rick and Eli get them all-in pre-flop. About a $2500 pot or so and Rick scoops it with 2nd Nut-No Pair ... Ax, Qx.
Well, there you go....
Let the suck outs begin!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Chip Reese on Poker
------ Chip Reese
Famous Poker Quotes....
-------------Eli, Saturday
Saturday, January 26, 2008
My 10 Golden Rules of Poker
1 - Never Fold Aces. Ever.
No one can possibly make a pair higher than yours, so you have no reason to fold! That jackass raising you on the JhTh9h board is putting you exactly on what you have, two black aces, and that bastard is going to try to bluff you out of the pot you rightly claimed with your under-the-gun limp! Nothing says strength like the UTG limp with aces, and there's no way you're beat here! ALL IN! This rule leads us into number two!
2- Never fold Kings. Ever.
6-way flop with a board of A 6 2? Three's a 0% chance anyone has an ace. Call any and all bets down and pump your fist after the showdown. Remember, poker players are deceitful, so if they is an ace on the board, they're just trying to trick you into making you fold! Shovel it baby! Rules one and two are sort of a corollary to rule number three...
3- Never fold top pair, top kicker.
Of course you're going to play any ace for any amount pre-flop, and when you dominate the flop 9 5 5 with A9, there is no sense in folding. That butt-pirate in sunglasses who made it $50 pre-flop is just continuation betting. Like the song says, you gotta know when to Hold'em, and know when to Hold'em longer!
4- Pot odds ALWAYS favor your flush draw.
You could read Theorm of Poker for this, but I'll spell it out here...never fold your flush draw. There's $8 in the pot, you flop a beautiful 7-high flush draw on a 988 board. One of them jackass players from Duke open pushes all in for 3,200, and accidentally flips over his measly pocket pair of 9's. He has three nines and is going to pay you off when you hit! Do the Math! 3200/8 = 97.4% chance of completing your flush. Ship it!
5- Drink copious amounts of alcohol while playing.
Tom Cruise will suddenly appear and tell you everyone's hole cards. After 10 shots of tequila, L. Ron Hubbard's spirit will enter the dealer and give you pocket aces every time so you NEVER have to fold!
6- Supplement your bankroll by mortgaging your house.
In this time of economic strength and the housing market at an all-time high, take out some equity in your home to play poker. Bring 20k to your friendly 1-2 game and never fold. The odds will crush your opponents and you'll walk away $400 richer! Nothing says Economic Stimulus like non-taxable income!
7- Educate your fellow players.
Someone call you down with middle pair and cost you a big pot when you were trying to represent the nuts?!? Let them know! Because you have special Tom Cruise powers, they should never have the audacity to think you're bluffing! You have a wide variety of words to chose from. Try Donkey, Nit, Idiot, lactating hermaphroditic hamster, and smelly yellow discharge from a polar bears butt! It's your responsibility to make this world a better poker playing place.
8- Whenever you lose, it's a bad beat
And whenever you win against that other nit's AA, it's "poker justice". After all, no player can expect to beat you with any sensible consistency. Hit your gutshot on the river? Stand up, pump your first, and ask him IF IT HURT!!!!
9- Each runner runner draw is +20% to your chances of winning.
If you think you completely missed the flop, look again! That lone spade on the board is your ticket to a monster! Call any and all bets with any 3 to a flush or three to a strait!
and finally....
10- Start your own game!
Bring all the donkeys to your house, and make money the easy way, RAK(P)E them! Everyone knows the acceptable limit to a house rake is 40% of each pot with more than one player involved. For advanced tactics, develop your card mechanic skills and deliver cooler after cooler! A few hours of hearty fun and all your friends will go home laughing and broke while you work towards paying off all those court costs!
Hope this helps everyone play better poker!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Brag: Starting to turn a very nice profit with Razz now that I switched over to Stars and left FullTilt
Variance: There still is a chance I can hit the lottery....or someone reading this has a position open. Any position.
I was sick when I had to end my 2/4 game during lunch today and I was another +$100 for the 3/6 game until I took a brutal beat when we were capping it just about every street and when I had a made 6543A on 5th street and he bricked 5th & 6th only to cut me with a 64 on 7th. I didn't tilt which was a show of just how much I'm growing here lately as a player. The action was incredible but that's how it goes. Its a start in the right direction and once I'm able to put in another 1k hands tonight, I hope to be running steady at 4-5BB/100 building a very nice roll quickly and by the weekend should be a regular at the 2/4 & 3/6 tables. I would be there now but I can't stand playing one or two tables and I have to play six in order for me to stay focused and zoned into everything that is going on and so far I'm getting some very solid results for doing so. My goal is to play smart and I would really like to have my 5k in hands before the weekend but that means I can't play or deal at the local games. As for FT, I'm done for now until the FTOPS starts up in February and the Razz event on Feb 14th. Shows you how much FT thinks of Razz, they put it on Valentine's Day. Then again, first place pays out at least $35k so its worth a try. Now if I can only find a stable job.... Feel free to email me with any opportunities or if you would like to know more about the exciting future of precast concrete and how we can save you money and time or your new home....
Monday, January 21, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Cary O8 Pot Limit
poker with the juice....
Let the suck outs begin!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Top 8 Poker Etiquette Rules.....LOL...yea right
Top 8 Poker Etiquette Rules from with my 2 cents worth
1. Don’t Play Out of Turn
While you may be so excited about how good your hand is you can hardly wait to raise the pot, you have to wait until it's your turn to do so. Same goes for folding hands you can't wait to get away from. If you jump the gun, it gives other players information they shouldn't have before they make their own decision and can confuse the action.
As we always say "Order is just a suggestion"
2. Don't Talk About Your Cards While the Hand is Still Going On
Once you've folded, it's tempting to chat about what would have happened if you had stayed in, but if anyone who's still in the hand hears, it'll give them information that they might use to their advantage. For instance, if you had a 7-2 as your pocket cards in Hold'em and the flop comes 7-7-2, if you blurt out that you would have had a full house, everyone will know that it's unlikely that any player still in the hand has the full house, making it hard to bluff and represent that hand.
If you can't talk about your hand, what else is there to lie about? Or am I really lieing? Hmmmm. Btw, I think the writer could have come up with a much better example b/c if the flop does come 772 and you say you have a full house, who's going to believe you, it's the perfect hand to tell the truth about and get paid off on.
3. Don't Show Your Cards (Until the Showdown)
When you fold, make sure you don't flash or flip over your cards as you toss them into the muck. Again, if players know what you fold, it'll give them information that may change how the rest of the hand plays out. Unless you are all-in and heads up, there is no reason to show or expose your cards until the showdown.
Are you kidding me? I agree with the first part, but I'm showing cards every chance I get to confuse people in a hand. There IS a reason to show your cards.
4. Don't Splash the Pot.
There are two bad betting habits that you see a lot in the movies which are no-nos in real life. The first is when a player tosses his bet in a big mess in the center of the pot. That's called Splashing the Pot, and it makes it hard to tell how much you've bet. A better way is just to stack your chips neatly in front of you to bet.
In my club and I will splash the pot whenever the f^
5. Don't Make String Bets
The second bad habit from movies is the string bet, which is when a player goes "I'll call your 500.... and raise another 1000!" You have to declare whether you're simply calling or raising right away -- once you say "call," that's all you can do. If you're going to raise, say raise and the amount right away. This is especially important in casinos.
Why is this such a hard concept to understand? We have one guy is horrible about this but he's so bad that we've gotten used to it, and allow it most of the time b/c he a gimme to loose a few hundred each time he plays. Of course, this is also the same guy who brings the game to a halt since we have to wait 2 minutes ever hand for him to look at his frustrating.
6. Don't Be Rude or Mean
Even if you're having a bad losing streak, it doesn't give you the right to curse other players or be rude to the dealer. It will win you neither pots nor friends.
Sorry, I was on the floor laughing at this one for the past 5 minutes before I could type. Umm, yea, not being rude.... that'll be the day. LMAO-It will win you neither pots nor friends- classic
7. If You Show One, Show All
If you win a hand before the showdown but want to show your cards anyway, you can't just show them to the one player to your left or right, you have to turn them up for the whole table to see. After all, why should only the lucky players next to you get to know what you were holding?
This "rule" is blown so out of proportion. You can and should be able to just show certain people out the table 1 or both cards dependent upon the situation especially to the player that you just beat out of money. On top of that, its a cash game so you can pretty much do just about anything you want anyways. Just b/c they see it done a certain way on TV in a tournament they assume that it must be done that way at home. Getting off my soapbox now.
8. Do Pay Attention
If you're in a hand, don't make everyone remind you that it's your turn -- keep up with the action so the game keeps moving. Talking on cell phones is a bad idea.
LMAO...keeping the game moving. We have 2 human stop signs at some of the games. When the action stops it's on JJ or Coach....every time.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Friday PLO8 in Cary
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Bad All in + Bad Call = Monster Pot
The two biggest stacks at the table are NB and Coach who both have in excess of $500 when this hand comes up. Again we're playing NLO8 and the board is 5xQxTxTx. Now that I think about it, they both have well over $500 when on the turn which meant that they started off with more preflop. Anyway, Coach which is the tightest and most boring, and whiniest player in NC pushed all in on the turn. NB, who is a true gambler, insta-calls KNOWING he's beat and only had 1 out. Now what puzzles me is why would Coach ever push all in when he has the pocket Qs giving him Q's full and the only hand that would, normally, ever call is quads? I mean WTF? Either value bet to entice a reraise or check it to let the other player catch up. It was by far the worst play of the day....except for the fact that he was called! NB had to know that Coach had him crushed. Before they even turn the cards up, everyone at the table said that Coach had Qs full. WE all knew it, even NB knew it but he "had" to call since he had QT giving him T's full. Now I know what some of you good players are thinking. Coach knows NB well enough that he knew that if he pushed the NB would call. BS. Coach played that hand like an idiot and was lucky enough that NB had a full house and was willing to make a horrible call knowing he was beat but NB has never, nor will never make a hard laydown in his life. He would have laid down every other hand possible but Coach could have showed him his cards and NB still would have called out of principle. I'd be bragging about how great I am to make such a tough lay down. Anyway, so I'm dealing and by this time I'm pretty much fed up with Coach's whining and complaining and locked down style and I give him the KOD (kiss of death) for Omaha. I say "Well Coach, there's only one card that can beat you so nice hand." And I burn and turn up the card and just stare at it because it was that only card that would have ever give NB the win. The case 10 giving NB a $1200 pot and gave the rest of the table an empty seat b/c coach was gone before we all were done laughing. I'll be honest though, I didn't feel bad for Coach for a split second. Now I like him as a person but I have really grown to hate playing with him. All he did all day long was complain about how long everyone was taking only to take f'ing 30 seconds to fold each hand but the 5 he plays all day long. And then he sits there and runs his mouth complaining and never shuts up about how much he has lost even though he's always up the vast majority of the time b/c he never plays a hand. When he wins he gives a speech, when he loses he gives a speech, when he folds he gives a speech. Of course now we're going to hear for the next three months about how he lost $1200 yesterday even though he only bought in for $200!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
It's time for you to blog....
Come on... it won't hurt long!
Movie Review....3:10 to Yuma
Now for the poker related item (not really but hey, why not ad this bit of trivia in the write up)...... you're going to see an attractive blond in the movie that we've all seen before. Some of you die hards my get it right of the bat, others will have to think about it even though she really hasn't changed much in 9 yrs. What other great movie was she in? Rounders. Yep, that's Jo (Mike's girlfriend for those of you who don't watch the movie weekly like myself) Imo she looks better now at 35 then she did then.
Isn't this write up better then me whining about me going broke to a donk catching a straight on the turn after I flop a set of As on the flop last night?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Fellow PPA Member, join our 2008 PPA State Director Program

Happy New Year! Please read this important email. Poker needs you!
2008 will be a critical year for poker. The success and momentum we built together in 2007 must continue into a more vocal and mobilized grassroots efforts this year. We cannot move forward without broad support and active involvement from our members. With that in mind, I am pleased to extend to you an invitation to become a State Director for the Poker Players Alliance.
**Training from grassroots professionals who will teach you grassroots tactics and share ideas
Active recruitment of new PPA members
**Direct communications with the thousands of PPA members in your state
**Organizing local events/poker tournaments to promote the PPA and/or raise monies for charity
**Participation in local political events and arranging meetings between poker players and elected officials
**Engaging in PPA national initiatives such as our planned voter registration campaign
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Double Nuts!
However I've been the very thankful recipient of the double nuts about 5 times over the past week to 10 days. Now that I've tried it, I think I'll get it more often.... so look out boys, there's a new sheriff in town. And his name is Reggie Hammond. Sorry... got hung up in the movie.
Let the suck outs begin!
Atlantic City Outlook for 2008
By Mel Evans, AP
Part of the way Atlantic City is dealing with the revenue downturn is by adding hotel rooms. Three new casino hotel towers will open this year, adding more than 2,500 rooms to a city where it can be difficult to book a room at a casino hotel on a weekend.
ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - In the facelift that will gradually transform the way Atlantic City looks, 2008 promises to be the year the surgery begins.
The new year will see three new hotel towers open, the Tropicana Casino and Resort will get a new owner, work will pick up on a new $2 billion casino, details on yet another new casino will be unveiled, and gambling halls may finally start to recover from the beating that out-of-state slots parlors put on them last year.
It's an era of change in Atlantic City, as it struggles to reinvent itself as a hipper, national destination resort, and to fight off competition from New York and Pennsylvania slots parlors.
"My only fear is that with all that happens in '08, there's not a lull in '09 and 10," said Kim Townsend, CEO of Pinnacle Atlantic City, which will build a new $1.5 billion to $2 billion casino on the site of the former Sands Casino Hotel, which it imploded last October.
"The momentum of this type of progress is important to changing Atlantic City into a full-fledged destination," she added.
Figures to be released Thursday will formalize what everyone here knew since about last March: that 2007 was a year best forgotten in terms of casino revenue. It will go down as the first in the 30-year history of casino gambling here that revenues did not increase from the previous year.
That's due largely to out-of-state slots parlors cutting into the most profitable part of casinos' revenue base, and stealing customers who for decades have belonged exclusively to Atlantic City. A partial smoking ban that restricts patrons from lighting up 75% of the casino floor didn't help, either.
Many observers expect the overall decline in revenue to be in the range of 4% to 5% for the year.
Part of the way Atlantic City is dealing with the revenue downturn is by adding hotel rooms. Three new casino hotel towers will open this year, adding more than 2,500 rooms to a city where it can be difficult to book a room at a casino hotel on a weekend.
The Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa will open its Water Club tower with 800 rooms and a host of amenities; Harrah's is opening a second tower with 941 rooms, and the Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort is adding nearly 800 more in its second tower.
Construction work will pick up this year on the $2 billion ocean-themed Revel casino at the end of the Boardwalk next to the Showboat. And by spring, Pinnacle Entertainment will reveal details about its Atlantic City casino.
The new casinos, and expansions of old ones, encourages Joe Corbo, president of the Casino Association of New Jersey.
"This is establishing a favorable cycle in which success begets additional investment and further success," he said. "This is reminiscent of the incredible winning streak that Las Vegas has enjoyed for the last generation."
The Tropicana will soon have a new owner. The state Casino Control Commission stripped its previous owners, Columbia Sussex Corp. of their license last month, ruling that they did not have the ability to run the type of first-class facility required by New Jersey law. More than 900 job cuts led to embarrassing revelations about cleanliness and service levels at the casino, which includes the state's largest hotel at 2,129 rooms.
A state-appointed conservator is fielding offers from more than a half-dozen potential buyers, and a sale could be made within a few weeks.
What else might happen in Atlantic City this year?
There has long been talk of yet another new casino project on land next to the Atlantic City Hilton Casino Resort, but no plans have been unveiled. And the city and state are studying the possibility of allowing casino development at Bader Field, nearly 150 acres of undeveloped land that used to be an airport.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Suggestions to speed up the game....
At any rate, here are a few ideas that might speed up the game just a little and it would give you plenty of time to consider your action in those circumstances where it is justified. Well, here you go....
1) Don't wait until its your turn to look at your cards. I know that the poker pros say wait, but they haven't been in our game. Go ahead, take a peek. No one else is paying any attention to you. They're dealing with their own crappy cards.
2) When you do look at them, go ahead and look.... don't peek one card at a time, Dean.... oops... I shouldn't have said that.... LOL.
3) If you are going to bet $70 into a $50 pot, at least have given the idea that someone is going to raise your bet $250ish some thought, Bill.... oops... I shouldn't have said that.... LOL.
4) When you are definitely calling the $300 bet and you plan on counting out the 60 $5 chips to make the call around and over your stacks of $25 and $100 chips at least announce that you're calling so that the action can move around the table while you stack up the 60 $5 chips, Elli.... damn it, I shouldn't have said that.... LOL.
5) Whatever you do, don't distract Bill.... he is very focused, but its just not on whatever it will take to speed up the game.
6) And then you've got the story-teller.... always sharing some war-story about the good 'ol days when we all thought that something we said or did was actually somehow important. I like to hear them too, but just don't let them slow up the game, Juice.... crap... did it again.
These are just a few suggestions that I put together pretty quickly. I know that you have some other ideas and I would really encourage you to share them with the group either by commenting on this particular blog entry or by creating your own. I look forward with great anticipation to your next move, hopefully it'll be pretty quick.
So, let the suck outs begin!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Where did the weekend go?
Well, this was not an unusual start.... the Juice busted out the other four players at the table TWICE each in the first half hour. One of the bust-outs happened in one hand for practically everyone there! The Juice really likes it when he (he gets just as excited about it when someone else does it too) takes every one's chips at the table in one hand and everybody else has to re-buy.... he just loves it! This night was going to be special.... I could tell!
So somewhere around 4 or so the Juice has to leave for some family holiday crap and the entire table does NOT want to quit... so after much tongue-lashing (which I think he thoroughly enjoyed) he agreed to let me deal and let the game carry on.... so on we played.... and played.... and played.... we dropped the first guy around 4pm on Sunday! The game finally broke up around 7pm Sunday evening.... I know you've got stories of longer games, but this one was my record.... only one other time came close for me. Rick and I continued playing at Corey's house one night from a 9pm start, the rest left somewhere around 5am and we wrapped up with a horrible boat against boat hand in heads up hold'em at 4pm the next day! We're junkies! What can I say....
So I get a call from the Juice this afternoon telling me that not only can I not play poker, but I can't count either... the bags short. So we're getting together today to figure exactly where the "missing" dollars are.... I didn't tell him yet that our last hand of the night... we took half the rake and played one hand of O8 Showdown....
We didn't really, but we did talk about it.... so till next time ---- let the suck outs begin!