Saturday, January 12, 2008

Movie Review....3:10 to Yuma

This is actually poker related, well not really but I'll explain that in a minute, but first....this was an awesome movie. Last night at the game, which I talk about tomorrow, we starting talking about movies out right now and this one came up so while at Target tonight I went ahead and bought it. I love Tombstone and this movie ranks right up there with greatest "westerns" ever. Not nearly as quotable as Tombstone but has far more action in it and very intense drama. Yuma is now the second greatest "western" movie, behind only to Tombstone. Go out and watch it, you'll love it! Russell Crowe and Christian Bale are great and the gun fight seen at the end is incredible.

Now for the poker related item (not really but hey, why not ad this bit of trivia in the write up)...... you're going to see an attractive blond in the movie that we've all seen before. Some of you die hards my get it right of the bat, others will have to think about it even though she really hasn't changed much in 9 yrs. What other great movie was she in? Rounders. Yep, that's Jo (Mike's girlfriend for those of you who don't watch the movie weekly like myself) Imo she looks better now at 35 then she did then.

Isn't this write up better then me whining about me going broke to a donk catching a straight on the turn after I flop a set of As on the flop last night?

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