Monday, January 14, 2008

Bad All in + Bad Call = Monster Pot

I would take about me but I really don't feel like admitting I made an $600 mistake by laying down the nut straight on the turn in NLO8 Sunday b/c there were 3 all ins before me and I thought at best I would only quarter. Well, let's review that hand anyway now that I have it on my mind. We're playing 5 handed NLO8 and this hand comes up. I'm on the button with the but straight of 6 high, the board I was something like 2h3s9c6s. UTG goes all in and both players behind him call with one folding. So I have the nut straight on the turn but the way I figure it was that Dusty had the A4 and flush draw for the low, JJ had a bad low w/ 2 pair maybe and Frank has the straight w/ possible flush cards and a redraw to a higher straight. I think for a second and lay it down thinking that I'm really not a favorite in that spot and would effectively be loosing money by going all in and possibly loosing everything if the flush hits. I'm still not sure about that play. Its so easy to sit back and say I should have called b/c a blank came on the river and I actually would have scooped a very healthy pot that would quadrupled me up (damn pots odds probably required me to call and if I had my balls with me and not here at the house I would have made that call). But I didn't b/c I forgot that sometimes I over analyze a hand and the situation and make -EV laydowns where I have great equity in the pot. But realize that a locks player made a beg bet in first position, a wild man made the call, and a very solid player also insta-called...what was I to think? If $500 was in the pot and I have $140 to call which gives me 3.5:1 for the call and if I'm at convinced that I'm at best getting quartered in that spot I'm putting $140 to win $20 but if a flush comes I loose all of my stack. I'm a puss.. I know. But that's not the hand I really wanted to talk about. This is....

The two biggest stacks at the table are NB and Coach who both have in excess of $500 when this hand comes up. Again we're playing NLO8 and the board is 5xQxTxTx. Now that I think about it, they both have well over $500 when on the turn which meant that they started off with more preflop. Anyway, Coach which is the tightest and most boring, and whiniest player in NC pushed all in on the turn. NB, who is a true gambler, insta-calls KNOWING he's beat and only had 1 out. Now what puzzles me is why would Coach ever push all in when he has the pocket Qs giving him Q's full and the only hand that would, normally, ever call is quads? I mean WTF? Either value bet to entice a reraise or check it to let the other player catch up. It was by far the worst play of the day....except for the fact that he was called! NB had to know that Coach had him crushed. Before they even turn the cards up, everyone at the table said that Coach had Qs full. WE all knew it, even NB knew it but he "had" to call since he had QT giving him T's full. Now I know what some of you good players are thinking. Coach knows NB well enough that he knew that if he pushed the NB would call. BS. Coach played that hand like an idiot and was lucky enough that NB had a full house and was willing to make a horrible call knowing he was beat but NB has never, nor will never make a hard laydown in his life. He would have laid down every other hand possible but Coach could have showed him his cards and NB still would have called out of principle. I'd be bragging about how great I am to make such a tough lay down. Anyway, so I'm dealing and by this time I'm pretty much fed up with Coach's whining and complaining and locked down style and I give him the KOD (kiss of death) for Omaha. I say "Well Coach, there's only one card that can beat you so nice hand." And I burn and turn up the card and just stare at it because it was that only card that would have ever give NB the win. The case 10 giving NB a $1200 pot and gave the rest of the table an empty seat b/c coach was gone before we all were done laughing. I'll be honest though, I didn't feel bad for Coach for a split second. Now I like him as a person but I have really grown to hate playing with him. All he did all day long was complain about how long everyone was taking only to take f'ing 30 seconds to fold each hand but the 5 he plays all day long. And then he sits there and runs his mouth complaining and never shuts up about how much he has lost even though he's always up the vast majority of the time b/c he never plays a hand. When he wins he gives a speech, when he loses he gives a speech, when he folds he gives a speech. Of course now we're going to hear for the next three months about how he lost $1200 yesterday even though he only bought in for $200!

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