Monday, June 26, 2006

Writing Team Expanding!

Effective this week I am soliciting the writing skills of a friend or two who will hopefully be regular contributors to this Blog site.... One has already agreed to assist, Rick. Hopefully we'll begin to see some of his thoughts and experiences on hands and the general state of the poker nation.

Welcome Rick and we are waiting with baited breath....



Anonymous said...

Now we just need something to write about. May the a**wipe that narced out The Cabin be dealt 7d-2c, both in poker and in life, for the rest of their pitiful existence.

Be careful if you're involved in any illegal Super Bowl office pools this season. The po-lice just might raid your place of business and confiscate the dollar-a-square gambling money. After all, the law's the law, right...?


Anonymous said...

The police actually did confiscate a superbowl square sheet at a local bar here in clayton last year.