Saturday, July 01, 2006

The right to know!

You have the right to ask to see any hand that, once play has ended, hasn't been folded. It's considered bad form, however, to make such requests with any regularity---allowing your opponents to lose with dignity isn't just common courtesy, it's good poker.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must admit that this is a pet peeve of mine. Some people insist on seeing every single card they're "entitled" to see. What really cracks me up is that it's usually one or two of a group of guys who have played hundreds upon hundreds of hours of poker together! If you can't put the guy on a fairly narrow range of hands a good percentage of the time, then as Norman Chad says, maybe take up Go Fish - fewer bad beats...

I can count on one hand the times I've ever asked a dealer to turn up someone else's hand, and I'd still have a couple fingers left. YES, we know it's a rule. YES, we know you're "entitled" to see the cards. I also agree that it's bad form. One need look (or listen, as it were) no further than Mariah Carey's high notes for evidence that, just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD...

Rick :-)