Monday, October 17, 2005

a Canadian bad-beat, eh?

Well, this past week I went to Canada for our annual sales & management meeting. We were staying at the White Oaks Resort at Niagara on the Lake. While there, I slipped out one night and went over to the local Casino to see what it was like. I sat down at a no limit table with $5/$5 blinds and minimum buy-in of $100/max $400. I didn't do very well, but it was fun to watch the guy beside me run into cards the entire time that I was there.... He limped in with 8/3 off-suit, flopped 2 pair when the board went 8, 6, 6 and turned a boat with another 8, and made quads on the river. He pushed all-in and the other guy in the hand called him thinking he would be playing the board! LOL. He had about $2000 in chips in front of him and at least another $2000 in cash behind the chips where he had been chipping people back-in when he busted them! At any rate, back to the story.... I've got pocket tens and raise pre-flop to a straight $25 as there were a couple of limpers. All fold except one. The flop is 9, 8, 5 off-suit. He pushes all-in and I call. He turns over pocket sevens and hit the gut-shot on the river! LOL. And that was the high point of my time at the table. Till next time.....

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