Saturday, October 22, 2005

Have you ever flopped the nuts, and then lose?

Of course you have -or- you're not playing much poker.... LOL. At any rate, my game Thursday night @ my office. We typically play hold 'em, but the dealer button gets to pick. The hand is, are you ready for this, $1-$2 no-limit, Omaha 8.... talk about treacherous! At any rate, I've got 10h, Jh, As, 2s and the flop comes 7, 8, 9 rainbow. There are about 6 players that see the flop so I bet a little more than is in the pot and everyone folds except Corey and he raises all-in. I put him on a set or either two-pair, but you have to call when you're sitting on the absolute best hand, right? At any rate, I call and he turns over 2 pair and rivers the boat. Yep, there you go..... so now I steam for about 15 minutes, but get over it. I didn't bring a lot of cash with me and after getting bad beat and quartered several times was running quite low. But I managed to re-build and cashed out for a little over $700. Not a bad evening, but it could have been better! Next time....

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