Friday, February 23, 2007

The Horror Show

There is nothing like the feeling of sitting down at a poker table and having a good time. I am not just talking about winning and losing. I am talking about the environment, the banter, the stories being told, the disagreements and inevitably the play. It seems like everyone, for the most part, can sit down and enjoy each others company and have reasonable debates on rules and protocol and if nothing else learning something new, or possibly teach someone something. If nothing else, we can agree to disagree and move forward.

Last night was no different. Last nights topic du jour was table talk regarding hands. It went so far as to Dave making a phone call to the Bellagio poker room and getting a ruling, which still did little to get an agreement as to what was acceptable behavior. This is probably one of the biggest "problems" when it comes to home games. As long you understand the environment and what is agreed upon acceptable behavior at that game then you know what you are getting yourself into when you walk through the doors.

Last night was a night of what could have been for me. I won a little but could have won a lot. You remember the feeling as a kid or maybe even as an adult when you go see a horror movie and at the end when you think it is all over and you let your guard down and then they get you one more time? Remember that feeling? That is kind of what I felt like last night. I flop the nut boat and of course slow play it (flop KK5 i believe and I have a K and a 5 in Omaha), lots of people in the hand so I figure someone will bet at it. No one does which is not the end of the world as a 9 peels off on the turn. John bets $100 and everyone folds to me, I make it $250 and, John calls which puts him all in knowing he is behind (I had no problem with the call, he was committed to that hand once he bet the $100 and I could have just had a K). We turn over our hand and here is where it gets bone chillingly horrorific for me at least. Dave starts yelling to John that you are drawing dead. Well I like the sound of that as I figure Dave folded a 9 and the river is meaningless. In my head I start counting the chips and mentally dragging the pot, a nice sized one at that. I believe it was around $700 or so. Just like in the horror movie when you think it is over and then something fucked up happens and makes your balls jump back inside your stomach the case 9 hits the river for the monkey for John. I just stare in utter disbelief as I thought John was drawing dead. Thanks Dave! lol-never a dull moment.

I was far from mad. Shit happens. I think that was probably the worst beat I had ever taken or at least that I could remember. A 1 outter that I thought did not exist. It was still a fun night and I was able to cash out a winner even after that kick to the balls. If I am going to ship my chips to anyone it may as well be John. ....Maybe he will consider that a down payment on a new bedroom set for my wife.

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