Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Tues Evening with the Juice, May 29

Things started slow at the Juice's this Tuesday. Most of the usual suspects were running late to the game. It was probably 9:30 before the table was full and things began to hop. We were doing a round of Holdem and then a round of Omaha. The action always got exciting when it was Omaha time. The Juice (SOP) standard operating procedure almost always had a Straddle with a guaranteed bump pre-flop. I was holding my own as the evening pasted and had managed to build up a chip stack of about 1000 bucks worth when my first notable hand came. I was the Button and had a Kx 9x 4x 4x. The flop was Jx 9x 9x. How nice, I flopped a three 9's. Bill T to my left and I had it all in after the turn hit hard with a Kx. The river was another K and Bill T throws out his hand and annouced Jacks over Kings....he flopped the nuts - Jacks over nines. I said Kings over nines and scoupped a nice pot to give me a stack of around 1600.

The next notable hand that I was involed in came around 2 AM. I had 2x 5x 5x 8x. The Juice jazzed up the pot preflop to about 150 to call. The usual suspects were in the pot - just about everyone! The flop comes Jx 6x 7x. I like my hand and hope I can see the turn. The action is on me so I make a 100 bet and get about six callers. The turn comes a 4x and I have the nut straight. The flop and turn are rainbow. I go all in and get the same six callers. I am praying that the board doesn't pair or a card that destroys my existing nut straight doesn't fall. The river is a miracle Ax. I said double nuts out of excitement as I through out my hand. The Ax was the case A and managed to counter fit all the nut lows and made my 2x 5x good for a scupper of a monster pot well over 5K. I stacked all those chips in front of me without counting them and looked at the Juice and said "CASH ME OUT"!

The only thing better than cashing out for that much with a buy in of 400 was getting home by 2:30 AM, getting laid, sleeping in till 6:30 AM, and then knowing that when I woke up that Rick would still be going at it with Charles and Ellie and by 8:30 AM Rick would have all their chips and not Mine!


Rick said...

Great playing, Elvie! That was one sa-weet pot you ended with - I'm glad I wasn't involved! I love your last paragraph. I have to correct you, however - I had all their chips by 7:15am... ;-)


Charles R said...

Hell'uva night! Elvie well done! And a very nice blog... thank you sir!