Saturday, October 21, 2006

PKR Saturday Poker Tourney

From the very beginning I thought that I was going to win this one.... oops! I played very tight and limped in only a couple of times with something other than a strong Ace.... once with Ad, 8d and flopped 8, 8, x and ended up winning that pot. I was the bb with As, Js and limped with a couple of callers and flopped J, J, 7 and slow played till Scott caught an 8 on the river to match his pocket 8's to make a boat.

And for the past two weeks, I've been knocked out with pocket Jacks... last week I had 8's against them and this week, I busted out with pocket Jacks to Rick's pocket Queens!

It was a good tournament though, I just got unlucky in a couple of hands and I misplayed the hand that Scott won with his pocket 8's.

Oh well... next time! And maybe tomorrow... we're trying a little different format to entice more players. We're dropping the buy-in from $120 to $60 with $25 re-buys! Come on down!

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