Saturday, December 23, 2006

PKR Pot Limit Omaha Hi or Hi/Lo - Friday night!

Well, Friday at PKR turned into quite the 'shoot-em-up' .... there were several new players that you could tell were just getting their feet wet in Omaha and an expensive foot washing it turned out to be for them.... Rick made out like a bandit AGAIN! I let him and a couple other guys bet me off the best hand a couple of times and really only was in one monster hand with so many outs to the nuts I couldn't count them all.... I'll tell you about that hand first. I'm in late position with Ah, Kh, 10d, 2d and limp in to the straddled $10 pot along with 8-9 other players. The flop is Qd, Jh, 7s..... Rick, in early position, leads out with a $100 bet and there are 3 other callers in front of me and I call. The turn is 6c and Rick bets about $500 or so and there's one caller in front of me and one of the new guys still to act behind me.... Rick's bet has me covered by about $250 so I'm definitely getting the right pots odds to call especially with ANY card above an 8 that doesn't pair the board gives me the nut straight and ANY low card that doesn't pair the board (other than a 2) gives me the nut low except for the Ace which will give me the NUT HIGH. There's NO WAY that I don't call...... almost the any card that doesn't pair the board puts me in the money other than a 2. I make the call, the new guy behind me makes the call and Chuck throws me the 2. I get nothing and the new guy behind me wins the low with something like 5, 6....

On the bright side, I had come into the game with only $280 as it was raining and I didn't want to have to get out at the ATM to get more cash... I really like to take at least $1,000 to this game and when I was playing at Dave's, I wanted to take at least $1,500 to $2,000. So after that monster draw corn-holed me, I ended up borrowing about $700 from JC and another $300 from Rick and at one point during the night I was down to around $100 or so.... so I was into the game for nearly $1300. Not a typical night for me by any stretch of the imagination. But before we cashed out, I had won back all that money and a little juice.... Nice!

I'm hoping that Rick will blog a couple of his hands for you as I believe that I've got another name for him... I never liked Big Red. The new name is N3 or N-cubed. When he's playing Omaha 8, at least in one of the hands that he won, he had "N"othing on the flop, "N"othing on the turn and the "N"uts on the river..... so N times 3! It's amazing how many hands that he wins playing from behind.

Well, off to the races!

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