Thursday, August 30, 2007

Superior Player

There is "Super Player" (Shirk) and then there is "Superior Player" (The Juice). We all know how The Juice loves to push the action and impress us all with his feats of strength. His Triceps are huge compared to his bicepts. In other words he is good at pushing his chips all in the middle but not so good at pulling them back in. That was until Tuesday night where I saw a Juice "Light", it tasted like regular Juice but it was better for him. Amazing laydowns and folds all night long. At one point I even turned to him in amazement and told him he was playing some impressive poker that least till the point where he went all in with Rick O'Reily (Leprechan reference) holding the stone cold nuts. Tuesday night was relatively uneventful aside from a couple bad beats (if that is even possible in Omaha) that I was able to stay out of the way of. 6 & 7 handed is nice but there is nothing like a full table of 9 players stradling and restradling and having preflop pots almost every hand over $300. Hopefully we will find some other players who have the intestinal fortitude (or stupidity, however you want to look at it) to play NL Omaha HI/LO


Rick said...

Dave, regarding Tom's observations about you starting to play good poker: Honestly, that shit's gotta stop.

I'll write your Tuesday night play up as an anomaly, something (like Halley's Comet or Dean getting laid) that only comes along every 76 years or so. I'll expect you to be back in full donkey mode by Saturday!

Tom said...

lol....the Dean getting laid comment made me fall out of my chair laughing.....

The Juice said...

Tom, that reference to my triceps leads me to believe that you enjoy the company of little boys from Thailand whispering in you ear Thai words. I could be reading into it maybe a little "too" much.

P.S. Charles, I thought you should know that when anyone post on your site I have a program at my office that allows me to get the IP address from whom & where YOU blogged. I thought you shoud know. "Anonymous"

Charles R said...

Yes, sir Juice... I know that you are about as technical as a turd... that's the reason you have to run upstairs to change the channel on the TVs that are in the poker room.

I only wish that I had written the Anonymous comment... unfortunately, I didn't, but I certainly did enjoy it....