Thursday, August 23, 2007

Woman's Game? Lady's Game?

With words and phrases that would make your mother blush, it's hard to believe that a self-respecting woman would sit at a table with a handful of degenerates all wanting to be the first to blurt out a phrase to see what calibre of lady has joined them. Many phrases that seem almost inspired by a desire to alienate the fairer sex..... For the most part, the nicer casinos all have rules that are usually enforced but in local mitt joints, be prepared or at least warned!

Here's a few that were tossed around with a young lady present Friday in Cary.... you decide.


Dirty bitch


Whores and fours

Big slit (I know, I actually coined this one in honor of AQ... since Big Slick was AK)

Big Pair (now has more meaning since Jennifer Tilly is playing on TV)

Rack (see Big Pair)


Betting on the come (yep, the spoken is more powerful than the written here)

And those are just the phrases that mean something associated with the game! Depending on which game you frequent, the cornacopia of saucy terms thrown around might make the occasional sailor blush.....

For the most part, I guess male players try to at least recognize the presence of a lady by tempering the conversation but if you are a lady and you plan on visiting some of the local establishments, you should at least take an ipod and show some cleavage for christ's sake.

Let the suckouts begin!

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