Saturday, January 27, 2007

Friday PKR Omaha Hi or Hi-Lo

It had been a couple of weeks since I had played the Omaha game at PKR so I had forgotten some of the.... hmmm.... what's the word.... suck-outs -AND- how loose some of the players are in the game. I played about the first two hours and stayed up about 100 most of that time and as usual around 10:30 or so, this game really starts to get loose. I made a couple of questionable lay-downs which turned out to be genius at the show-down. LOL. Yep, I laid down 3rd nut low to a big bet only to have someone.... who will remain nameless, only make a call on an over-bet with 5th nut low, take the low. Maybe it was just a really good read.

I did get tangled up in a couple of medium-sized pots which made the difference in my night however.... two of them against Sai. Where we both had the wheel and I wrapped up to get a higher straight and quartered him. There was one other hand against Sai where I quartered him again with the nut low and sweet little spade flush that hit on the river.

The big hand of the night for me was against a new guy, at least for me. Everyone else seemed to know Ed though so apparently he has been playing there pretty regularly in some of the cash games. In this particular hand, I had the As, 9s, 3h 5h and the flop hits with the 2s, 6h, 10s. I'm in early position and Ed has been pretty aggressive so I decided to see if he was going to bet as I had picked up a slight tell when he had a good hand, but he checked behind me. The turn is another low spade, I think the 7. So I lead out with a pot size bet and everyone folds around to Ed who re-pots, I re-pot, he re-pots and before you know it, I am all-in with the nut flush and the nut low. The river in a very un-PKR-like manner was a brick. I think that I had $680 in front of me at the time and he turned over the Ax, 3s, 8s, Jx or something very close to that and unfortunately for Ed, he thought that he had the nut flush but got quartered with my nut low and nut flush.

I did flop a set of queens and turned quads in one hand in very early position and got no action at all. I checked the flop and the turn hoping that someone would catch something, but alas, no action. When I made a pot sized bet on the river, the only caller was Rick who I believe had a small boat.

After all the suck-outs including the monster of the night between Mike D and Joe where Mike D hit a one outer for quads on the river to beat Joe's big boat, I did cash out positive for the night.

I'm heading back today for the 40/40/40 tourney!

Back to the felt!

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