Sunday, January 21, 2007

PKR Saturday Poker Tournament

Another good turn-out at PKR yesterday. Two full tables and I was determined to get back to the winner's circle. At one point, I was down to only 1 big blind bet, but came back and got unlucky against Rick in back to back hands and he ended up taking first and I took second. I still believe that he is the luckiest guy I know. In one hand, he pushed all his chips in against with pocket 9's and ran into pocket Aces and out-drew the Aces. Nice!

The hand that did me in with Rick was Jc, 7c. He was the big blind and I limp. He raises all-in.... pretty easy to do with 5000/10000 blinds and with so few chips it was really going to be whoever ended up getting lucky the last couple of hands. I called and had an A, 6os. The flop Ax, Jx, 6x..... yep, that is Rick's life right there in a nut shell. LOL.

Good playing though!


Rick said...

Boy, now there’s a classic case of Poker Memory! Remind me again of the hands where I got lucky and you got unlucky. Could it have been the hand where I have J-J, hit top set on a flop of J-10-7, and double you up when you have 9-8? Maybe it was the hand where I raise pre-flop with Q-Q, you re-raise all-in with A-5 and doubled up yet again when two fives come on the board? Perhaps you were talking about the final hand, when somehow my ace-high miraculously “sucks out” on your jack-high? If I did have any luck, the tournament would have been over 45 minutes sooner! I don’t really blame you though. After playing at PKR for so long, you’re conditioned to consider it a bad beat when you go in with the worst hand and don’t win. :-)

Of course I got lucky by spiking a nine when my 9-9 ran into A-A, but I had the guy out-chipped about 5:1. Besides, I think it was karma, not luck. That’s what the bozo gets for slow-rolling me, taking a good 5 seconds to call the all-in when there’s just the two of us in the hand. Serves him right! :-)

Charles R said...

I also screwed up the hand that I re-played when you had the pocket 9's as you were not all-in. He was all-in and the slow roller got knocked out.... As always, I humbly apologize for the memory lapse or for ever thinking that luck might be involved when you win a hand... LOL. Nice playing!

Rick said...

That's more like it. Years of experience honing my considerable poker skills told me that nine was coming... ;-)