Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A juicy Tuesday evening

Another Tuesday evening and another crazy night of Omaha at the Casa De Juice. It was a strange night as things just seemed to be a half click off for everyone. The juice was gone after about an hour, Charles looked like he was ready for the morgue, and Mikey looked like he just went 3 rounds with Mike Tyson. We had on a live feed of the final table at the WSOP instead of the normal hi caliber academy award winning performers we usually see.
As for the poker; here was a fun hand that pretty much played itself although it could have been very painful for yours truley had just about anyone else had Ricks hand. We have the standard straddle with everyone calling and about $125 in the pot pre flop. I look down and find KKA4. Nice but nothing to get married to...that is until the flop comes 23K...the only thing I did not like about that flop was there was a heart flush draw and yours truly had no hearts. I fire out $40 figuring just about everyone will call. Much to my dismay Bill T doubles my bet to $80 and it folds to Rick who ponders a call. He puts me on a big hand and figures I am going to reraise and does he really want to put all of his chips at risk on a gutshot straight flush/wheel draw? Being the superior player Rick is he knows he is behind...way behind and lays it down. It gets back to me and I figure Senior T is steaming a bit from a previous suck out and I may be able to get him to call my all I move all in. Bill thinks and thinks and finally says what the heck and calls. Bill has some kind of low draw and not much else. The turn comes Ricks gutshot straight flush 4 of hearts card and he lets out a moan knowing he gets all my chips. The river does nothing and I scoop the pot with my Set of Kings. As I drag the pot I smack Mikey in his good eye and tell him nice job.


Rick said...

I guess I should've read the blog first, since you already posted the hand. :-) BTW - was there really a straddle that hand? I only remember $50 in there pre-flop, but you know how the hands all run together after a while...

Anyway, nice hand Tom!

Tom said...

I think you are straddle. They all run together. I think my $40 bet into the $50 pot was about right. Had the pot been bigger I would have bet more.