Monday, September 11, 2006

Hold 'em Top Ten Starting Hands

For everyone but the Juice.... (with Rick's corrections....)

Ace/King (suited)
Ace/Queen (suited)
Ace/King (off-suit)
Ace/Jack (suited)
King/Queen (suited)

Here is a real top ten list (based on EV), compiled from over 115 million hands. Keep in mind that position and player skill level do not enter into the equations.

1 comment:

Rick said...

I'm not sure where that list came from, but anyone who rates KJs above AKos or TT is either on medication, or needs to be. Here is a real top ten list (based on EV), compiled from over 115 million hands. Keep in mind that position and player skill level do not enter into the equations.

1. AA
2. KK
3. QQ
4. JJ
5. AKs
6. AQs
7. TT
8. AKos
9. AJs

P.S. - Dave, pay no attention to my list. Please continue to p-p-p-pump up the volume with KJs!

Rick :-)