Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Top Ten Reasons To Bring J-Rod Back!

10- uhhh- okay
9- What other guy sleeps cuddled up with an Asian dude with a spent condom beside him? Let's you take a picture? Blow it up? And hang it on the wall for all to see?
8- If he's not there, who will we get to pick on?
7- "I've got to take a huge crap!"
6- Dave and Mikey should be playing.... not dealing!
5- Nobody sticks it to us on the river like J-Rod.
4- Oh, you mean, he didn't get half the pot?
3- "I pumped one out in the trash can..."
2- "Dean, you've got 5 seconds!"
1- Sure, he can't deal, he can't count, he can't take control of the game and he has no idea how to determine who won the low, but he's our bitch... and we want him back!

1 comment:

Rick said...

Can't argue with that logic - especially item #6. It's bad enough losing our dealer, but to also lose His Juiciness is too much to bear. That's like having Jessica Alba stop fucking you and join a convent.

Well, maybe not quite like that...