Monday, August 21, 2006

Sunday @ PKR!

The larger PKR tourney turned out to be very successful. While I would love to see it double in size, by the time the word gets out about it, I believe that it will grow and be a great tournament.

First and second place both left with over 1,000 at the end of the day.... the structure of the tournament promotes good play. You get enough chips and the blinds move up slow enough that you actually get to PLAY poker!

The structure is $120 buy-in ($3,000 in chips); $110 re-buys through first four blind periods ($2,000 in chips); and one add-on at the end of the re-buy period for $110 ($5,000 in chips). The blinds begin at $25/$50 and move up every 20 minutes but much slower than normal. If I remember correctly, it was this scale:
and so on.....

I think you get the picture..... All in all it was an excellent tournament and MikeD and I were happy to place 1st and 2nd! I am hoping that more folks will join us next Sunday!

Back to the felt!

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